FEST - Random Forests (and friends) for sparse data


FEST, short for Fast Ensembles of Sparse Trees, is a piece of software for learning various types of decision tree committees from high dimensional sparse data. FEST is written in C and can do bagging, boosting, random forests plus a few more tree based learning algorithms (see the FAQ below).


Here is the latest version of FEST

The program is free for scientific and educational use. See the file LICENSE.txt that comes with the above distribution.


To compile FEST, you just need to issue the following commands:

            tar -zxvf fest.tar.gz
            cd fest

Then copy the executables festlearn and festclassify to a directory in your PATH.


FEST consists of a learning program (festlearn) and a classification program (festclassify). The learning program takes as input a set of examples and outputs the model it learned. The classification program takes as input a model and a set of examples and outputs the predictions of the model on the examples.

festlearn is called this way:

            festlearn [options] data model
            Available options:
                -c <int>  : committee type:
                            1 bagging
                            2 boosting (default)
                            3 random forest
                -d <int>  : maximum depth of the trees (default: 1000)
                -e        : report out of bag estimates (default: no)
                -n <float>: relative weight for the negative class (default: 1)
                -p <float>: parameter for random forests: (default: 1)
                            (ratio of features considered over sqrt(features))
                -t <int>  : number of trees (default: 100)

The input file 'data' contains the training examples. It should be in the SVMlight/LIBSVM format

festclassify is called this way:

            festclassify [options] data model predictions
            Available options:
                 -t <int>  : number of trees to use (default: 0 = all)

The input file 'data' contains the test examples and should be in the same format as the training examples.

For each test example, the prediction of the model (stored in the 'model' file) is written to the 'predictions' file.


Q:How to grow a single tree?

A:Growing one tree is the same as boosting for one iteration:

            festlearn -t 1 train.data single.tree

Q:Does FEST support boosted stumps?

A:Boosted stumps are just boosted trees with a maximum depth of 1

            festlearn -d 1 -t 1000 train.data 1000.boosted.stumps

Q:Can FEST handle continuous/ordinal attributes?

A:Yes. Ordinal attributes are modeled as continuous attributes. In fact, all attributes are considered continuous unless they only take the values 0 and 1. Notice that the running time of the program increases as the number of continuous attributes in your dataset increases. This is for two reasons: a) unlike a binary atrribute, a continuous attribute has to be considered at every node even if it has been used before. b) For continuous attributes one has to determine an appropriate threshold which requires some amount of searching.

Q:Why doesn't FEST support missing values, more splitting criteria etc?

A:FEST is a special purpose package so it does not support less important functionality that would have a negative impact in performance. For example, some preliminary tests showed that information gain results in faster growing procedures than gini index. (Information gain takes more time to compute per node but trees grown with the gini index have more nodes on average). If your data is not sparse and high dimensional you may want to take a look at JBoost.


The out of bag estimates functionality was based on a patch submitted by Brendan O'Connor.