gnuplot /gallery / exp2

set terminal postscript eps enhanced
set size 0.6,0.8
set output "spectra.eps"

set linestyle 1 lt 1 pt 7 ps 1.0
set linestyle 2 lt 2 lw 1
set linestyle 3 lt 3 lw 1
set linestyle 4 lt 6 lw 1
set linestyle 5 lt 1 lw 3
set xlabel "E_n [MeV]"
set ylabel "d{/Symbol s}/dE [mb/MeV]"
set logscale y
set xtics 0,2
set mxtics 2
set xrange [ 0 : 15 ]
set yrange [ 1 : 2000 ]

set label 1 "^{93}Nb(n,n')" at 3,1000
set label 2 "E_n=14 MeV"    at 4,600
plot "spectra.exp"  using 1:3:4  notitle                with yerrorbars  linestyle 1,\
"spectra.exp"  using 1:3    title "Tohoku (1994)"  with points      linestyle 1,\
""  using 1:2    title "HF"             with lines       linestyle 2,\
""  using 1:4    title "MSC"            with lines       linestyle 3,\
""  using 1:6    title "MSD"            with lines       linestyle 4,\
""  using 1:8    title "MSC+MSD+HF"     with lines       linestyle 5
pause -1
