Sparse Neural Network


Sparsenn is a piece of software for learning neural networks from high dimensional sparse data. Sparsenn is written in C and uses the BLAS library for vector operations.


Here is the latest version of sparsenn

The program is free for scientific and educational use. See the file LICENSE.txt that comes with the above distribution.


You need to have a BLAS library installed in order to compile sparsenn. You can use the free ATLAS library or an implementation provided by your hardware vendor.

To compile sparsenn you just need to issue the following commands:

            tar -zxvf sparsenn.tar.gz
            cd sparsenn

Then copy the executables nnlearn and nnclassify to a directory in your PATH.


Sparsenn consists of a learning program (nnlearn) and a classification program (nnclassify). The learning program takes as input a set of training examples and a set of validation examples. The validation examples are used for early stopping. The program outputs the network it learned. The classification program takes as input a model and a set of examples and outputs the predictions of the model on the examples.

nnlearn is called this way:

            nnlearn [options] trainingset validationset model
            Available options:
                -e <int>  : number of epochs (default: 1000)
                -h <int>  : number of hidden units (default: 16)
                -p <int>  : print performance every so many epochs: (default: 10)
                -r <float>: learning rate (default: 0.05)

The input file 'data' contains the training examples. It should be in the SVMlight/LIBSVM format

nnclassify is called this way:

            nnclassify data model predictions

The input file 'data' contains the test examples and should be in the same format as the training examples.

For each test example, the prediction of the model (stored in the 'model' file) is written to the 'predictions' file.


Q:How to do regression/multiclass classification?

A:Sparsenn only supports binary classification because it was written for an empirical evaluation of algorithms on binary classification problems. However, extending the software to support these tasks shouldn't be very hard.

Q:Does sparsenn support anything else other than stochastic gradient descent?

A:No, everything else is too computationally expensive for high dimensional data. The only thing that may be supported in the future is stochastic meta descent.

Q:Why cannot I make it learn as well as method X?

A:There may be a few reasons for this. First, look at your data. You may have to scale your inputs so that the nonzero elements of a typical vector take values close to 1. This will make the neurons activate in their linear region initially. If your data is on a good scale, try increasing the number of hidden units. Too many hidden units won't hurt you as much as too few hidden units. The default number of hidden units, 16, may be to small for some problems. Try 100 hidden units and see if it makes a difference. Finally, check the learning rate. If the network is not reducing the squared error on the training data at all or very slowly try increasing the learning rate. If the network achieves the optimum prefromance in the first few epochs try reducing the learning rate. Ideally, you should select the smallest learning rate that gives acceptable training times.